Loadstar 24
family data
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Commodore BASIC
70 lines
1 print"[147][146]"chr$(142):poke53280,7:poke53281,12
2 print"family history data sheet"
3 print"please turn on printer"
4 print" press 'p' to begin program.":print" press 'q' to exit to loadstar."
5 print"(use no commas or colons)"
6 print" ":poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
7 ifz$<>"p"andz$<>"q"then5
8 ifz$= "p" goto10
9 load"hello connect",8
10 a$=chr$(14)
20 b$=chr$(129)
30 open4,4,0
40 print#4,chr$(147)
51 print#4,a$spc(6)"*family history data sheet*"
52 print#4,chr$(13)
53 print"[147]"
60 print"name:":inputna$
62 print#4,b$spc(3)"name:**"na$
63 print#4,chr$(13)
64 print"date of birth:":inputda$
66 print#4,b$spc(3)"date of birth:**"da$
100 print"place of birth:":inputpl$
111 print#4,b$spc(3)"place of birth:**"pl$
113 print"county:":inputco$
115 print#4,b$spc(3)"county:**"co$
131 print"date of death:":inputde$
133 print#4,b$spc(3)"date of death:**"de$
135 print"place of death:":inputac$
137 print#4,b$spc(3)"place of death:**"ac$
138 print"county:":inputou$
139 print#4,b$spc(3)"county:**"ou$
140 print"father's name:":inputfa$
142 print#4,b$spc(3)"father's name:**"fa$
150 print"mother's name:":inputmo$
152 print#4,b$spc(3)"mother's name:**"mo$
160 print"[147]"
170 print#4,chr$(13)
180 print"spouse's name:":inputsp$
190 print#4,b$spc(3)"spouse's name:**"sp$
195 print#4,chr$(13)
200 print"date of birth:":inputat$
220 print#4,b$spc(3)"date of birth:**"at$
230 print"place of birth:":inputac$
232 print#4,b$spc(3)"place of birth:**"ac$
251 print"county:":inputnt$
253 print#4,b$spc(3)"county:**"nt$
255 print"date of death:":inputdte$
257 print#4,b$spc(3)"date of death:**"te$
259 print"place of death:":inputce$
261 print#4,b$spc(3)"place of death:**"ce$
262 print"county:":inputty$
264 print#4,b$spc(3)"county:**"ty$
270 print"father's name:":inputer$
272 print#4,b$spc(3)"father's name:**"er$
274 print"mother's name:":inputre$
275 print#4,b$spc(3)"mother's name:**"re$
290 print"[147]"
310 print"child/children:(will list 6)"
311 print"when done listing hit run/stop restore"
320 print#4,a$spc(15)"children:[211][211]"
330 print#4,chr$(13)
340 forx=0to5
350 print"name:":inputdl$
352 print#4,b$spc(3)"name:[211][211]"dl$
360 print"date of birth:":inputbi$
380 print#4,b$spc(3)"date of birth:[211][211]"bi$
381 print#4,chr$(13)
390 next
400 close4,4,0:run